My Green Toad Stool


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
You know, the one that I was sort of complaining about. I went to the LFS yesterday to get some fish food, and he had two more in the store, not real big but not small either. Anyway, He told me if I wanted to I could bring back the other one that I didn't like, the one that has never opened and had the top fraged off of it and swap it for the smallest one of the two he had in the store. I brought it back today after work and got the new one. *celebrate*twirlysmi*BOUNCINGS*BOUNCINGS*DRUMMER* Yes I am happy now. The new one is I would say 3 inches tall and the top is a tad bigger than a 50 cent piece.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
lol, It was open in the LFS, but it hasn't opened up here at the house yet, that was what I was waiting on. When it does, I will get a pic.