my honduran red point is starving.

Jan 27, 2013
Quick question.
I've recently added a Honduran red point to my 55 gal tank. It also contains one saddle cichlid, one juvenile blue acara and a few barbs.
However try as I might I can't get the hrp to eat anything. all of the other fish get there first and he just can't compete. Hrp is just under 2 inches. Blue acara 3inches. Saddle cichlid 6inch. Barbs 2-4 inches.
How can I get him to eat something?
Been five days now and I'm worried hell wither away and die. He seems happy otherwise. What about getting a divider and seperating him for a while to build him up?


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2011
When I have a problem like this I will feed different combinations of food, I added two small severums a while back and they didn't compete well with the bigger fish, I fed a combination of medium and small pellets and flake food, Different fish will look for different food. The severums learn quickly which food was readily available.


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