My husband and I fell into this....

Oct 15, 2008
Kure Beach, NC
My name is Barb and I'm new to keeping fish..kinda.
I was given a water lily two years ago for my pond.
A few weeks later, my husband and I noticed small orange spots darting around the pond. We were the proud parents of 9 fantailed goldfish!*BOUNCINGS
We brought them in that winter, mainly to be able to watch them, using a 15 gal tank. They went back in the pond for the summer and everyone was happy. Actually some got happy, big and FAT!
Last week, we were given:
2 Pleco, 1 Tiger Barb, 1 Common Goildfish, 1 Black Moor Goldfish and 1 Yellow Lab. *celebrate
The 15 gal was definately not going to be big enough!
So, onto Craigslist we went. How lucky can a girl get; I found a big tank (it was advertised as 100 gal, but I have my doubts. It's 48x20x18) for $40 and for another $10, I got the pump, filter, lights and aquarium salt. *SUNSMILE*
Right now I'm slowly moving the pond fish into the tank. The fish we were given went in 3 days ago. Everybody seems happy and is eating. *GOLDFISH*
I know I'll have questions, but that's all for right now.



Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Welcome barb.. I have a thread in the beginners forum I think titled "tank size by dimesions". It will tell how many gallons it is by the measurements..I think you have a 90G..thats a damn good deal. Goldfish are coldwater so they do not require heaters, and really shouldnt be mixed with tropicals. You will need to cycle the new tank check the stickies in the beginners forum for cycling info, get yourself a water test kit I recommend the API Master kit. Good luck and again welcome. Feel free to ask any question you may have.
Edit: posted links for you

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Oct 15, 2008
Kure Beach, NC
Dogdoc, Iagree, it's probably is a 75 gal.
Thanks for the welcome everyone, I'll check out the stickies. Maybe there's some sort of happy medium I can achieve; want to keep everybody happy!
I do have a water test kit and am somewhat familiar with tanks. There were saltwater tanks in the lab I worked in while studying for my undergrad in Marine Science. That being said, while I became familliar with the workings of tanks, I didn't do more than check water temp, feed the fish and clean the glass.