my idea for a 29gal


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
My aunt said i might get her 29gal tank when i have room so whould these fish do?
3 angels
2pictus cats
1 gold gorami
2 corycats
1 red tail black shark
2 upsidedown cat
1 bala shark
4 neon tetras
1 male sordtail
1 pleco
1 clown loach
it will come fully stocked with the equipment

Do you want to put those in the 29g?a bala shark by its self shouldnt be in there.
Bala sharks get to be 12"
clown loaches get to be !2"+
Black tail sharks are semi aggresive,not good community fish
Plecos are very messy and many get way to big for a 29g with some of those other fish.You would need lots of filtration
If you go to the sites profile section you will see how big some of these fish get and what the smallest tank the should be put in is.A good rule of thumb is 1" per gallon if the fish is under about 10"If its bigger it may not have room to swim.So even if the fish is 12" and would fit in the tank if you used the one inch per gallon rule it would be to big still to swim around in the tank

nope.... you need to rethink that a lot... angels, im not sure, depends on species. pictus, nope. gourami is okay. 2 cories... no, they like to school, so either more, or none. i dont think the RTBshark will do. i think the upside doen cats are okay. bala... no, they like to school, and greow HUGE. 4 neons, not a big enough school, i say either more, or none. 1 male swordtasil should be okay. wether or not you should get a pleco depends on which species you get. 1 clown loach, no... they school, and GET HUUUGE. male sailfin molly sounds okay.

sonce it comes fully stocked, id get rid of the fish that wouldnt do. try trading them to your LFS for store credit.

and i thought i should let you know, you shouldnt have 4 pictus cats in your 29, let alone 1 pictus.

EDIT: bala ninjad me, and i thought i should say the inch per gallon rule isnt too acurate. you have to acount for the fish's ADULT size. also, you obviously cant have a 15 inch fish and a 14 inch fish in a 29 gallon, even though the rule says you can.

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Large Fish
Oct 26, 2006
yea, i think this is probably too many fish for that size of tank. if you can i would try and trade some of the bigger fish to your LFS.

plecos get wayy to big for small tanks and clowns (i think) like to be in a group.

if you have the time i would look up some of the fish to try and find out what you will want to keep and what will get too big or not get along so well in a community tank



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
I merged the two threads and did my best to clean them up...

big54bob, try to post more than 2 or 3 words at a time, it really clutters a thread when you have a bunch of small posts right in a row.

As far as stocking a 29 goes. I would look into some better "beginner" fish. Predatory nature aside, neither Angels, nor Neons are terribly forgiving fish for a beginner, they would likely not live long, and leave you frustrated and unwilling to continue in this hobby.

I would suggest looking into some danios and some cories. Both are fun, active fish, that have neat group interactions, and they're more forgiving of beginner mistakes (which you will end up making, we all did (and still do...))