My kissers

Mar 31, 2004
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I have two Kissing gouramis. They are so much fun to watch. The kiss the sides of the tank because they are mirrored and they think it is another fish. Lately one of my kissers has been lying up against the tank in a certain spot, and then she (I'm not sure if it's a girl, I just call it that) will take off and swim. 10 minutes later she is in that spot again. The other kisser doesn't do this. Anyone have any idea why she does this?

Oct 22, 2002
Yeah the kissing of the glass is almost certainly eating algae, fish can't see themselves in the glass like we can because their angle is wrong.
Your fish might be sick, test your water. Is it swimming crzily when it takes off or is it swimming normally?

Mar 31, 2004
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I would say that if I had to describe what they were doing it would be "a nap". I have just never seen a fish do that before so I was worried. They both seem to be fine. And I figured out that the other one is doing it too. He just hides behind some driftwood that is in the tank when he does it.