Hey guys! I just couldn't stop the urge; I went out and bought two demasoni cichlids and the next day I bought like 10 malawi cichlids (at least I sure as hell hope they are) for my 65gal; on account of evenly distributing any anger within the tank.
Also I"ve placed the platties and a few swordtails as dither fish. I imagine I'll have to raise my pH to something like 7.5 to 8.0. What product should I use?
Also, I would really appreciate any input from anyone who is familiar with the malawis. I've been doing a lot of reading and everythign points to them being territorial and vegetarian. My tank is sure as hell big enough and eventually i hope to have close to two dozen malawi's in there (including the 4 loaches that are already in that tank).
WOOOW GUYS I'M SO HAPPY! All my other fish are doing well and looking beautiful in their new environments. The 65gal is giving a lot of leg room to this dozen that I have. I know the platties shouldn't be in there; but I'm using them as dither fish for the cichlids. My apistograma is also seemingly doing well with these other fish; which is a nice thought for now. I'm only worried that when the malawis get bigger; they will be harmful to my apistograma.
Sooo, very exited; hope to hear from anyone soon.
Also I"ve placed the platties and a few swordtails as dither fish. I imagine I'll have to raise my pH to something like 7.5 to 8.0. What product should I use?
Also, I would really appreciate any input from anyone who is familiar with the malawis. I've been doing a lot of reading and everythign points to them being territorial and vegetarian. My tank is sure as hell big enough and eventually i hope to have close to two dozen malawi's in there (including the 4 loaches that are already in that tank).
WOOOW GUYS I'M SO HAPPY! All my other fish are doing well and looking beautiful in their new environments. The 65gal is giving a lot of leg room to this dozen that I have. I know the platties shouldn't be in there; but I'm using them as dither fish for the cichlids. My apistograma is also seemingly doing well with these other fish; which is a nice thought for now. I'm only worried that when the malawis get bigger; they will be harmful to my apistograma.
Sooo, very exited; hope to hear from anyone soon.