"My light Bulbs are blinking" thead.

Jun 18, 2010
Hi there guys. After seraching and replacing Bulbs and Starters, i have not had luck to make my lights to stop blinking.

I have a JEBO 90 gal freshwater Tank. The original lighting system consist of one 10" fluorescent bulb (round corner) and Two 36" Bulbs. The small 10" is working fine so i gues i'll put this aside of this problem.

Both large bulbs were doing perfect until one night when i got home i noticed both large bulbs were blinking. I though it was the starter so i replaced it. It didn't worked. I though i got the wrong starter and went to a different pet store to buy a different one. Nothing. ( i am assuming the starter is for all three bulbs? or is it only for the small 10" bulb?)

One thing to mention is, if i only connect ONE large bulb, it works perfect. Regardless if it's bulb # 1 or # 2. Blinking comes when i connect both of them.

I just disassembled the lighting dock and there are one Small ballast (LighSpeed Ballast) and one and one JEBO Large Ballast.

All connections look in place and fine.

So i'm wondering what is wrong with the large bulbs? What should i replace?

Any advice will be appreciated.
