my loach story!!!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
after leaving the chat yesterday,i started some of my weekly water loach tank is a ten gallon with lots of ferns and 1 big anubias.after looking at the tank for a while i decided to net my loaches cause the are fairly hard to work i started to fill a bucket,transferd the heater and the driftwood holding the ferns.i worked on the tank for about an hour(not that it made much of difference)so it finaly came time to put everything back in the tank.i took the wood put that back in,filled the tank some so i could put the heater back in and now it was time for fish.i swear i put all my fish back in that tank.4 loaches out,4 loaches in or so i thought.thinking my work was done i went to the store leaving the old water from the change to use on my houseplant.five a.m. rolls by,i'm still up hanging out with my bro cause it's my day off and i see the bucket with the old water.i havve already used what i'm going to for my plant and start to dump it i'm pouring into my fish stuff only sink i hear a strange flaping sound.i look down just in time to see the tail of one of my loaches going down the sink.arghh!!!!!i instantly start on tearing apart my drain pipes hoping that my loach is safely held in the p-trap.after about five minutes of wrenching i get enough pipe cleared out to feel in the p-trap...he's safe!i take the p-trap of and pour my poor loach into a bucket.i gingerly scoop her up(i think it's a her?)praying i don't get stabbed by the bifid spines located by the eyes and dump her back in the it's eight hours later and my loach looks like she's gonna be the moral of this story is don't dump your fish down the drain it's a real pain in the rear :mad:


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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What kind of loaches are they? Clown? Kuhli? You gotta watch them, their sneaky little boogers! I'm glad you fish is okay. BTW your not the first. My friend did the same thing when cleaning his 55g. I'm not sue but I think yours had a better ending.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Definitely not the first. I placed a lava rock formation in a bucket in the dark, hoping that if my nighttime catfish - forgot what kind it was - was in there, he/she would come out. No fish after 15 minutes. Looked in every crack of the rock formation. Started pulling it apart and POP - fish down the drain. Turn on the water, yell for my boyfriend to come help (of course he says, "turn on the garbage disposal!), and after 5 minutes with a flashlight, tongs and water, we get him out. Halfway up, he jumps from the tongs and back into the drain. A few minutes later we successfully get him out and he was just fine. Glad your loach is okay. Scary isn't it?


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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whoa that is a bad time! ive recently been looking for a clown loach i somehow lost in my 40 gal?? i had 5 but now the max number i see is 4, but there is no body or anything! it may be hiding in the castle, but wouldnt it come out to eat once in a while?? very peculiar...:(


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah just last week I accidentally flushed one of my bluefin danios down the toilet. At least that's what I think happened because I couldn't find it anywhere else in or around the tank. I feal bad, but I still can't figure out how it got into the gravel vac without me noticing. I am going to be much more careful from now on when doing a gravel cleaning.

It was sure a sight. I was sitting at the computer when all of the sudden, mike starts cussing up a storm and he's in th bathroom tearing the sink apart. I get up and say what are you doing and he says i pored the fish down the sink! then i didnt get my burrito for about another hour because he had to put the sink back together, and the loach was hiding back in the tank when we looked at it.