My Midas Blenny


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well, he is still on back order. He didnt come in yesterday either. My LFS gets his orders on Thursday and sometimes not until Friday. It seems to me he places the order and they send him what they want, lol. But, I didnt come home empty handed, I brought one new fish home and the LFS is quarantining another fish for me. The fish he is keeping for me is a Coral Beauty, this is a really nice looking fish. The fish I came home with is a Flame Angel, this was also a really nice looking fish. I bought it last week and he had had the fish for a week before I bought it and he said he would keep it another week for me, I paid him extra to do this. He has several tanks that aren't tied in with all the other tanks, they are each on their own and he will quartine your fish for an extra charge, works for me. I only have three more fish that I want, my Midas Blenny and two Tangs. I think that will just about do it for me on fish. The guy at the store told me I could have a few more for my size tank but I told him I had to leave room for all the corals I want. I know, the Flame Angel might eat them alittle, he was just to pretty of a fish to pass up. the wife took some pics tonight, so I will try and get some posted.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
be careful with angels in a reef tank, take the advice from the lfs with a grain of salt, and IMO he shouldnt charge u extra to quarentine it lol if u pay for it upfront!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Not only that but the flame and the coral beauty may not get along as most dwarf angels must be kept singly. I am really doubtful of having both in your tank.....a huge tank may be able to get away with it if both establish their own territory......even then if you were to add two I would seriously consider adding them at the same time......sorry not great news but something to consider.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I will tell him I have changed my mind about the Coral Beauty, he wont mind, he will sell the fish to someone else. Let me ask ya'll this question. I bought the Fox Face last week, and I couldn't get to the LFS to buy some of the seaweed sheets for him to eat, and the LFS man told me not to worry, just buy some Romain Lettus and some broccoli till I could get in to get the seaweed. Well. I picked up the seaweed sheets yesterday, he had three diff. types to sell, same brand, three diff. flavors. I brought it home and put in the tank. The fish loved it and started chowing down on it. The problem, after about twenty min. the stuff started falling apart and floting all over the tank, in little bitty pieces, it looked like it was snowing seaweed in my tank. Well, the tank has cleared up and the skimmer has been working OT today. I took the seaweed out of the box and put in a zip lock bag and threw the box away, so I don't know the brand I bought. Is this normal for it to fall apart this way, I can't belive it is and that there has to be a better brand.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
it will disintegrate in the water....I usually use nori (sushi wrap) which is dried seaweed. I tear off a half sheet, fold it a few times and put it on the clip. After about an hour I take out what hasn't been eaten....i have used bought seaweed and do the same thing, tear off a small piece that they will eat in a short time and remove that which isn't eaten in that time. It is funny they are now trained pretty much to eat it when I put it in as they know I am going to take it out if it isn't. I have also wrapped it around a small piece of live rock and put that in the tank for snails.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I did what you said Lorna, folded it a few times and it seemed to hold up better, they came out to eat it, when they were done I took the rest out of the tank. I may have to get another clip when I get my two Tangs.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
One more thing, My Rose Ann. is still in the same palce ( not where I want him, not even close) but he is eating the small pieces of shrimp I am giving him, so that is a good thing.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
See if you can get a pic of the nem.....if it isn't bleached or stressed (it should be a dark orangey red) then I wouldn't feed it more than 1/2 a silverside minnow every couple of weeks......beleive me it won't starve....if it is very small then give it meaty bits of fish. I think they like the silversides as it gives them what they normally would eat in the ocean as they eat fish...whole fish, heads guts and all.....shrimp are good but don't have the same protein mix for them......