My Mom is trying to steal my betta....


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
So, I'm moved back home for the summer and whatnot...and i noticed that my dear Flounder seemed to be rounding out a little bit...sooooo, I lessened the size of his meals a little bit. Well, that didn't seem to help. So, I asked my little brothers if they had been feeding him at all..."no" So, I then went to my mom - and low and behold, I FOUND THE CULPRIT!! Haha, my mom! She said, "He just always looks I thought he might like a little snak or something..." I just had to laugh, my mom, feeding Flounder "snaks" lol. So, now I have to ask her each morning if she has fed him at all, before I give him his breakfast. I don't know what I'm gonna do with her.

Now, last night, I was thawing out a pea for Flounder and my mom asked me what I was doing, so I told her, and she followed with this reply, "OOOOO!!!! Can I feed it to him?!?!" Haha, she's like a kid in a candy shop, I tell you. It's so funny. Soooo, once I get my boy set up in his 10gal, which will be soon :), I'm thinking I'll surprise her with a little guy of her own, I'll give her Flounder's current tank, and the gravel and stuff. She's so cute, I'll walk into the kitchen and she will be leaning on the back counter, head rested in her elbows, just watching him swim around, haha, its so cute.

Well, just thought y'all would like to hear a cute story or something :) What kind of betta should I get her? I'm kind of thinking a crown tail...but she likes Flounder a lot and he's a, I dunno, any suggestions?


Large Fish
Jan 19, 2006
That is cute! Your mom sounds like me. When my step son moved in with us in August, he brought all of his fish with him and I never thought I would get so attached to his Bettas, but I did. I started feeding them, watching them and playing with them! He thought, what the heck is wrong with her! He thought it was funny how attached I truly was. It must be a Betta thing! I think that is a great idea for you to surprise your mom with one of her own. I am sure whatever type of Betta you decide on, she will love him! *thumbsups

May 15, 2006
lol that is sweet...cute! ^_____^ My mom doesn't get ito fish stuff very much, sometime i would see her staring at my fish, but i'm sure your mom would liek any betta your give her ^^


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
haha, ya, my mommy dearest is pretty cute, lol. I think I will try to find her a nice crowntail. I hadn't even thought about turquoise! That would be sooo cool!! I probably won't be ablt to find one, but no worries, it will be a super cool one and ill post pictures when I get him for her :) I'm so excited!!

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Your mom sounds to cute. Be sure when she has her own little Flounder that she doesn't give him too many treats (-; My sister has been feeding Fishy (her co workers fish as she went on vaction) and brought him home for the week. He has a little pot belly too my mom ask if he was pregnant! I told her to lessen his feedings and my sis said but he look hungry! LOL


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
haha, ya, i know. thats what my mom says when she asks to feed flounder extra food lol - but he looks sooo hungry....cant i just give him a little bit more? lol, its too funny. i will make sure to teach her about the belly size and whatnot for healthy bettas :) i cant wait to get her all set up with her fishy!