my mom just bought an afican dwarf frog.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
i researched everything for her last night and she got her little bugger earlier today,she's/he's in a 5 gal with a betta, is this a safe set up i heard bettas and dwarf frogs will get along is this true? *so far my betta cole who is very gentle and soft hearted is in with the frog but he gets scared of it when it gets near him and he swims away*
and they have a heater and a screened in top with soft screen, and i'm going to buy some frog food spiefied for aquaruim frogs tomarrow.
i heard you should watch them when your getting them at the store he/she was the heathiest one i seen and she/he jumped out of the net 3 times before he/she got caught.

and as you can tell i duno if it's a male or female yet x.x I still gotta check.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
I've already checked it out before my mom bought the adf it's an awesome FAQ, last night was horrible the adf desided to try a suicide attempt,she *just found out it's female* desided to climb the highest plant their was and jump with all her might, luckily she only landed on this little decoration but none the less their was some tank redoing last night and the sturred gravel that i had to move around made me have to do a water change today at least everything is okay now =3 and my betta has finally stopped mopeing around and ate some betta bio pellets.