my multis spawned :D

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
Well actually, they did a little while ago, I just didn't know about it til today I was watching the female digging under the rock as usual, and I see 3 fry swim out and then dart back under the rock. I freaked!

Some of you may already know how long I've been trying to get any of my freaking fish to breed... but it's been a few months now, so I'm pretty danged excited hehe.

Not sure how many fry I have total, I think I saw 3 at once, but for sure 2 at once a few minutes ago. We'll see when they get a little bigger and braver. Dunno what they been eating really, as I haven't been feeding for fry, I been feeding to get them in the mood, but the fry have obviously been eating something judging by their size.

and if anyone doesn't know what a multi is, it's a Neolamprologus multifasciatus. A shell dwelling cichlid from lake tanganyika, africa. They are the smallest growing cichlid known to us, off white in color, with about 10 vertical tan stripes (multi - many, fasciatus - stripes), and bright blue eyes. (I can actually see the tiny little blue eyes on the fry :D ) They're a colonial breeder, which can be compared to like a wolf pack caste system.

Free beer for everyone! *celebrate