My Mystery Fish


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
southern Ohio
Hi Gang,

Some of you may have seen my post on the front boards page about the mystery fish I got in place of white clouds.  I was at petland looking for something to add to my tank with my cherry barbs.  I decided on 6 white clouds  and 3 julii cories, also picked up 3 dozen feeders for my oscar.  I get home, and quickly give Os, my Oscar some feeders and put the bags in the tank to float.  I released my cories first.  No problem, all are healthy and doing well.  Then Im looking at my white clouds, still in the bag.  I notice there are only 4 white clouds, and 3 mystery fish (guess petland cant count).

Anyways, Im not sure what these fish are.  Im pretty sure they are some kind of tetra.  The body is silver and the anal fin and tail fin are red.  Any suggestions?

I dont know why the lady just didnt give me my white clouds!  I checked out the tanks, there were many many white clouds in the tank, and only a few of these other fish.  Maybe she didnt know what a white cloud was!  lol.  Oh how I wish we had a good LFS!!

Maybe its my callling!!  lol



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
All silvery elongated tetra with red anal and caudal fins, definately sounds like bloodfin tetra to me, but without a picture I wouldn't put money on it.

I wouldn't get too upset, you have two options.
1) take the un-white cloud fish back and exhange them for real white clouds

2) keep the un-white cloud fish and find out what they truely are.  If they are bloodfin tetras, you didn't get a bad deal, especially if you paid a white cloud price for them<G>.  Bloodfins are about the most peaceful fish I've seen, although they do love chasing each other about. I've got four of them, and when they're in a real mood you can tell exactly why they are called bloodfin! I like them because they add just the right amount of color to a tank that is decorated with an abundance of green. My lone white cloud (the sole suvivor of a school of six) even schools with them occassionally.

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
always make them check what they got so u don't end up with a sick one or like u wrong one i was at petsmart the other day and got some australian rainbows and i was pissin the guy off(my buddy was off that day) b/c i'm picky that way and b4 he bagged the ones i wanted i had him show me them to make sure they don't haave any physical signs of illness or torn fins and they were fine they're in my 30gal with my other rainbows and all happy one seems to be spreading it's fins towards one of my praecox rainbows hehe but anyways my point is it's their job to get the ones u wanted since they won't let u do it urself no offense colesea ;D

Ooops, pushed post twice. I'll modify to add something new... hmmm. Aha. The one bad thing about serve yourself fish is that you don't benifit from fish with the wrong price tag on their tank. I check Petco every Teusday when the new shipment comes in for big clown loaches that were dumped in the small loach tank, etc.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Petco *shudders*

Serve yourself fish. Dude that sounds like a good idea when you're working with a nice clientel who would respect your aquariums, but it makes my skin crawl to think somebody might be letting their greasey hand kid swipe around one of my tanks and beat the crap out of every living thing in it! I used to get peeved when kids would even just touch my tanks, banging on the glass and pressing their drooly faces into them!  Who knows what some stranger off the street has on their hands! Skin creams and loations from The Bath Shop can kill fishies!

Then of course you have to have competent staff who can identify the fish at the register! I was in my local Petco the other day and they had otos labled as lined pencilfish, and numerous other fish mis-labled as well. And at Petco you don't even have to know what fish look like, you just match up the SKU number from the shipping order to the one on the id tag!  

And what happens if someone decides to stick their hands in the tank with an overly aggressive large oscar or JD or electic eel or what not?

Not that I'm an aquarium snob, but dude, I don't trust the public.