my neon tetra!!!

i had 15 neon tetras before, but now 9:mad: ... and now i found that three of them appear some white spots on the body . wait ! i am familiar with ick, but that doesn't seem like ick cause i have 20 other fish in my tank and they look good for 3 months! does anybody know any disease other than ick that will make neon tetra look like that? i guess my neon will die of that because once they get that appearance they will becomes weaker and weaker.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
I usually buy this "ick away" stuff for ick. Also turn up the tempature in your tank a couple of degrees. Usually ick starts when theres a tempature drop.

How big is your tank?

the reason why i don't think it is ick

because these neon tetras are already stay in my tank for one month and no ick outbreak--not even a sign. and all the sudden , i found this weird appearance. the above-mentioned 9 neon tetras actually have been in my tank for at least 3 weeks. so it is weird , unless it is other disease whick i don't know about. i heard that one kind of parasite can result similar symptom to ick. and that disease is incurable!!! i have no idea but now, the only thing that i can do is to seperate these three noen from the school.