My new aquarium on order

Jun 20, 2009
just ordered a 6x2x2 L shape aquarium custom made for the corner of my living room front tank 6x2x2 then l part measures 30"x2x2 fits snug in the corner of my front room gonna build a false wall in front of it with a cut out for viewing overall dimensions of tank are almost 9x2x2 6" short going to set it up with sand lots of bog wood a diy styro amazon style background going to use lots of amazon sword make a star moss ground cover which is going to cost me 200 plus from malasia and have a densley planted amazon style set up planning on keeping 6 discus a large school of german blue rams and a massive school of cardinals and rummy nose and quite a lot of shrimp already moved the 50 g upstairs and started building a breeze block base for it as the glass is coming next tuesday 15mm thick going to be built in house so it will never go anywere lol.

only thing i wish i could of had was a angle inner corner for viewing but sadly was just out of my price range the tank alone has so far cost me 1100 pounds and i need to buy the filter tank which will be a 5x18x18 tank will be drilled ready for sump i cant wait i will get pics of progress as it goes on sorry if this is in the wrong section *PEACE!*