My new betta tank!

May 19, 2003
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So, I picked up a 2.5 minibowl seen here:

I'm just wondering if i should use the filter I got? I don't think the bettta or frog need it, but what do you guys think? Its a little hang on the inside of the tank whisper filter. Either way, I think 26$ for the tank, filter, etc. isn't a bad deal considering i've seen the filter alone go for over 20 bucks.

Whatdya guys think?


Superstar Fish
leave it on. it doesn't hurt to have it in there (and if the current bothers the betta, put a plant in front of it, and make some nooks for him to hide in) and it means less water changes. Trust me, it will be worth it. I had my betta in a 2g w/o a filter while its tank was sick, and it was a pain. Now he's happily swimming in his own ten gallon tank...:)


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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I have the exact same set-up. I've had it over a year and have kept the filter running and the betta along with a couple of corys are doing extremely well. Between the filter and the corys the water stays crystal clear. I added an airstone and the Betta "plays" in the bubble stream.

May 19, 2003
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thanks guys. the LFS said it would be alright to run it also, but that the bettas dont like currents, but peaceful water, so he said it was up to me...

i'll consider it. its the smallest whisper filter and the entire setup hangs in the water, so it takes up a decent amount of room i'm not sure i want to give up. a water change is just as easy IMO. 50% a week or so and its still only 1.25 gallons you need to change...


Superstar Fish
thats ok angelfish :) Yes, the reason bettas "don't like filters" is because they do not like strong currents, since they come from completely still water in rice paddies and the like. That's why I suggest getting a plant and setting it right in front of the out take. My betta actually likes playing in the current...but he's a big goof :)

If you don't want it there though, you can take it out, but I personally would use it...:)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
haha I was wondering when someone would do that Angelfish. I stopped myself a couple of times glancing at something Leopardess had written and going "HEY I didn't write that!...oh nevermind we just have the same picture"

I changed my avatar so hopefully it won't happen again :) GO SEBASTIAN!

May 19, 2003
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Just an update on the tank...

Removed the cheap looking plant for a nice, expensive silk one! :)

Also, the Betta and the Dwarf frog seem to be getting along just fine. I haven't seen them bother each other once.

I've read mixed reviews about putting bettas with these frogs, but if they are the same species as the ones I have, I see no reason why it wouldn't work?

EDIT: still not filtering, but i did do a 45% water change today... considering dropping the filter in for the night just to see how much space it does tkae up and how they like it... we'll see.

Jun 8, 2003
we have our betta in the five gallon by himself and he has a filter. He now has a plant in there too which he loves to eat :)

He seems to like the water current and plays in there a lot. At first i thought he didn't like it because of all the stuff i read but now that i see he's fine, i keep it low.

Nice tank overall.. What is a dwarf frog? that sounds cool!!

May 19, 2003
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the dwarf frogs have a profile in the freshwater section on the homepage. its just a small aquatic froggy...

gets along just fine with the betta and eats the same betta food, flakes, or bloodworms. practically anything it can fit in its mouth...

i'm going to try filtering the tank tonight, but we'll see if it stays or not... if not, at least i have a filter for a hospital tank or something..