My new betta


Superstar Fish
Congrats. Have any pics?:)

They should have a tank of 2.5 minimum, IMO. They really ought to have a filter and a heater.

Feed them carefully. They're pigs and will over eat if you let them. Mine really like frozen bloodworms, freeze dried daphnia, Wardleys Betta Bites (the little ones, but not the big ones) and Hikari's Betta Bio-Gold.

I think you'll find that you'll really like them. I'm much more attached to my labrynth fish (including gouramis) then most of the other fish, simply because they seem to have more "person"ality.

What size tank do you have in mind?

Oct 20, 2003
United Kingdom
I am attached to labryinth fish aswell......i have gouramis and now this betta...... He is red and very lively when eva someone comes near the tank. ...

I have tried flake with him but he doesn't seem to be interested in eating it so i think i might have to buy some frozen BW for him...

I cant get a pic coz my camera is very poor sorry....:(



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Bettas won't usually eat flake. There are betta foods out there that they like. I use the Hikari Gold betta food, which seems to be good. They are little pellets, and you only need to feed 2 or 3 each time. They also like frozen bloodworms. Bettas have very small stomachs, about the size of their eyes, so you need to make sure you don't overfeed.

Bettas don't usually like tankmates. Usually you can keep them with ADFs, and sometimes cories or otos. They like it a little warmer than most tropicals. Around 78-80F (26C).


Large Fish
Nov 14, 2003
Visit site
Congrats on your fish, inline. Mine likes steamed broccoli too. (Plain, no butter, no salt). Also fruit flies, which is handy since they just show up in the kitchen in the summer. I heard from someone that bettas have a good time pushing a marble around the tank if you put one in. Maybe because they can see their reflection in it? I haven't tried that yet. Have fun!


Medium Fish
May 20, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
Your betta might also like shrimp pellets, but these can be extremely messy, so cut one of the pellets in half. Also if you have a pair of feeding tweezers, use these to hold the shrimp while you offer it to your betta. This should keep uneaten bits from fouling the water.

And yes, some bettas love marbles. I have a couple in my tank, and while the bettas can't push them around because of the gravel, they do enjoy investigating, and nipping at them from time to time. :)