My new betta


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
A 1GAL is extrememly small, you thinking of getting a larger tank for him?
I don't really know if 1 gallon is considered "extremely small" for a betta.. I'm sure his betta is probably happy for the upgrade anyway since he has moved out of his little cup and gotten both a filter and a heater in the deal.
Yeah he could have gotten a tank that was a little bigger but thats always the case with any fish you are going to keep.. bigger is always better.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I just purchased the same exact tank from Wal-Mart, and I think there is plenty of room for a betta. I wanted to get a betta and I needed something small to fit on the computer desk. I was looking at fish bowls but they were like six bucks, the 1 gallon with filter and air pump was only ten bucks. The next largest size was a five gallon hex, which was too big to sit on the computer desk. So now I have my nice little 1 gallon with my betta in it sitting right here next to me on the desk. Congrats on your new tank and betta.0