My new betta


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I couldn't stand my tank being empty so I stopped at Petco the other night and got a beautiful crowntail betta. Before I put him in I changed the water in the tank and rinsed off the gravel and cave. I added warm water so the temp was at 81 when I put him in, and I also added some salt to try and prevent any disease. So far he's doing good. He's still learning how to swim though, he's not used to that much water and the current. He's really tiny, does this mean that he's still young or just small??? I got this one because he was the smallest and best looking, and I thought he was young so I'd have him longer, I don't like losing my bettas :( Also, he hasn't eaten anything from the top yet, only what he can pick off the bottom. He's been picking at the snails algae wafers so I know he's hungry. I can't get him to come up to the top when I feed, any suggestions?

Here's a pic.


Sep 8, 2005
What a handsome little fella! My betta did not come up to the top for a day or two. I would give him some time to settle in. He should get the idea sooner or later. I dangled a blood worm and he finally came up and snatched it. Congratulations!


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Thanks guys, I've always wanted a crowntail. Hopefully his size indicates that he's young and he'll live a long time :) Yep, he's in a 5 gallon with some snails. I thought about getting a few tetras or something but I'm not sure. The lfs said they would call me when they get some cardinals in. He's really laid back so I think he'd be fine with other fish. I've got some anacharis and dwarf sag in there, and he likes resting on the anacharis, he's kinda lazy.

Sep 8, 2005
My guy sleeps on a sword leaf with my 4 cories. They look like they are in bunk beds! I seen a crown tail at my LFS and he was beautiful. I was real tempted.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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Congrats, MO! He's a cutie! He's probably just young and needs some time to get acclimated and build his strength. Bettas do so well with some room to swim and explore, it's great to see you allowed yourself another one. :)