My new Betta


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
really wish I could get the bettas to live longer then a few hours. baught another one on monday. had the same problem with it. gor real pail and a fungus all or the entire body and died. that would make 6 now that have done that. I even tried the water treatment stuff I was told to use on here but didn't work. so that is it I WILL NOT get another one. they seem to live just fine and the stores. at least they are more healthy there.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
Hmm try this ok,

clean the tank with hot hot water and clean it with just a drop of bleach and rinse it till you can't smell the bleach anymore.
Clean all decor plants and rocks well with hot water rincing well.

put every thing back in teh tank fill with water(tap is fine just treat it with Betta Bowl Buddies, one tab will do ya.
You can let the tank stand for a day and then add your betta in it.

Other then that it's the store and they have a bad batch of bettas that came in.
Don't give up ok.Also are you putting the betta in with the other fish?


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
no I'm not. just putting them in a 1 gal bowel. and I washed the bowel out with bleach after I made a batch of jungle juice bout 6 moths ago. and I did try treating the water last time it didn't seem to help. and I got the fish from petco. Do u think there might be something in the air right now? I live near farms and they been spraying anhydris ammonia heavily right now. that stuff kills EVERYTHING. bout 20X worse them pure ammonia. Just a lil FYI if u know anyone who uses meth or if u use urself ur an idiot. anhydris ammonia is used in meth. the only reason I'm saying this is because a few people got arrested last night bout 2 miles from my house stealing it out of the farmers tanks.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I think I'm going to staw away from the bettas for a while. still working on my 20 gal and keepin it up to snuff. I'm not at home alot durring this time of year. go to work then go fishing all day come home for a few hours and go to bed and do it all over again 7 days a week.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2006
east coast
looks like a blue steel veiltail, and wow exhumed u really have bad exprience with the bettas dying on u like that. I also believe u are buying a bad batch of bettas from the LFS and there is a possibility of the meth thing u are talking about being in the air and getting in your water. I am curious have u tested your water before putting in the tank and after putting in the tank? I myself just purchased 3 more bettas one blue steel veiltail, blue butterfly halfmoon, and a copper plakat 3 days ago and all doing fine.