My new betta


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Well my sick betta died :(
Anyway I was shopping 2 days ago at walmart and was looking at the betta fish one happened to catch my eye. Wasn't going to get him, but couldn't resist his cute little face and gorgeous color. Here are pics. He is a young crowntail named spike lol.

here is my new friend,


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Mr spike is a wild one lol. I lie on my bed watching him and can get so tired cause he never stops moving and he is such a little piggy lol. Anyway, I am just wondering, if I can put a male betta with male feeder guppies (the ones without the fancy tails) in a 5 galon along with a bottom feeder. Next question could I use normal aqua plus if the betta fish is in there? Thanks in advance for your responses.

Last edited:
Sep 6, 2006
NS, Canada
Hey, beautiful fish! As for your questions...

jade71301 said:
Anyway, I am just wondering, if I can put a male betta with male feeder guppies (the ones without the fancy tails) in a 5 galon along with a bottom feeder?
I'd be a little careful with it; are your feeder guppies fairly large? I feed my bettas my baby guppies from time to time for a treat (no one better go on a moral rant here, if larger fish owners can do it so can I), so I know they can eat them.

A cory catfish could work with a betta, or a few of them, but mainly the thing to keep in mind when housing male bettas with other fish is if it will work, it all depends on his temperament. For example, I have one crowntail that I can put in my 10G with no problems at all, housed with many other fish (minus the dwarf gourami), but my first betta, Zephyr, won't allow ANY other fish near him. You can try it out, but make sure you have a place to put the other fish incase it doesn't work out.

jade71301 said:
Next question could I use normal aqua plus if the betta fish is in there?
Oh yes. Never waste your money on betta-specific products, they are just expensive, watered-down versions of the exact same thing. Great thing about Aqua Plus is, you can't overdose on it. If you go over what the dosage says, it just helps them build a better slime coat. I have 2 one gallons and 1 half gallon for my bettas, and I just splash a bit into their tanks. It really is a great product!

Hope this helps!


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
my feeder guppy would only be fully grown males and i will have only one in there cause thats all i have is one unless i buy more. My cory fish is a bronze cory and I have 2 snails all in a 5 gal. So if I were to add a male betta u think it would be ok. Curious about the conditioner what would i use, aqua plus or betta conditioner. Thanks

Sep 6, 2006
NS, Canada
I did already mention that Aqua Plus is fine ^_^ They have a product called BettaPlus which is just the watered down version. A waste of your money, since overdosing isn't easily possible with AquaPlus.

I think that setup could work fine, you jsut have to be careful of the temperament of your betta. Just watch for any big signs of aggression when you introduce him.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Thank you all for your replies. I went to the local fish store and asked the guy that works there if i can put a betta with my guppy and he said he would probably eat my guppy. So I decided to buy more guppies. no betta :( The guy said that I could maybe put in a female betta but they are not as nice as the males.

Last edited:
Sep 6, 2006
NS, Canada
Bettas will only eat fish that are small enough to fit in their mouths. So you could have put him in with the guppies to test how aggressive he is and if it will work, just for your information.

Female bettas can be just as beautiful, but they don't have the large, fancy finnage. I suggest you go to UltimateBettas (Powered by Invision Power Board) and look around there. Great forum targeted specifically at bettas, very nice people, etc etc

Good luck with your tank!