My New Black Kuhli Loaches!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I decided to switch to sand in my 10g for my BKL, only which one should I get?? I was gonna get play sand at first, but then I found out about the problems it causes with filters. I heard that pool filter sand and silica sand were heavier than play sand, so it's easier on the fish and the filter. The only thing is where do I get the PFL if I decide to get it?? There's a pool store nearby, but idk if they're open in the winter. I live by a menards and they have a 100 lb silica sand bag for $10. I could do that. So what do you guys think??

Btw, I already know how to clean and take care of the sand before and after I put it in the tank.

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