This is the new home of my cichlids. They have been in there for 3 months for some and 1 month for the others, They range from 1.5 inches to 3 inches. Convicts, Danios, Tiger Barbs, Red Tail Shark, are intended as a dither fish population. The goldfish, mollies, guppies and future rainbows will be intended as a diverse food supply along with the prevalent tad pole poluation in excess of 2000. Plecos and Catfish should be a great garbage disposal system. As it stands the guppies, mollies, and goldfish have thrived to the point of reproducing. A minimum of 1000 goldfish eggs lie at the bottom and several 100 guppy fry use the bog area as refuge. The Koi and fancies were used as starters for the pond and will eventually be thinned out into aquariums ,other ponds, or cichlid treats. There are hyacinths and other plants including a 3 foot by 3 foot anachris forrest for nutrition, algae control, and gas exchange. The bog area is also well stocked with plants. Plenty of pvc piping and shale rock provided in pond floor for territorial establishment, breeding, and shelter. HOME SWEET HOME!!!!
7000 Gallons, Vortex Filtration system, Florida Outdoor Pond
5 Red Oscars, 2 Green Terrors, 3 Jack Dempseys, 3 Black Convicts, 10 Neon Tetras, 10 GIANT DANIOS, 6 Fancy Guppies, 60 Feeder Guppies, 5 Tiger Barbs, 60 Rosey Minnows, 2 Domestic Koi 6", 6 Fancy Goldfish, 72 Feeder Goldfish, 1 Red Tailed Shark, 3 Plecostomus, 3 Pictus Catfish.