my new Cynotilapia afra (Cobue) Pics!!!!


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
okay i got 16 of them and they are about 1 inch. i paid $64.09 for 10 of them and they gave me store credit of $36 for the 12 of my med to large mixed mbunas that i brought in, which where in my tank originaly. so hopefully i will get a good male to female ratio out of the 16 i got (i should) :D. so tell me what you guys think? are they the real deal?

sorry the pics where bad. i just took them fast so i could post them for you all to see. i will get better ones tomarrow, and as they start to color up more!



Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
well i hope they are. i can't see any bars on them yet. i just figured that they where still too yough to start showing there true colors. at what size do the male cobues start to show there adult coloring (well the black stripes and the orangeish yellowish tops)


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
okay i cant' find any pics of small cobues in the internet to really tell is thats what they look like when young. so please can you cichlid lovers chime in here to let me know what you all think about these being cobues or not.

if they are not are they worth what i paided bc i have no trouble going back to the lfs i got them (after they where so called special ordered for me) and getting my money back. the store was kind of wierd anyway they didnt know much about anything and the owners son was smoking in the back when i walked in with my 2 girls in there stroller. thats not very professional. he even told me that the breeder had said to him how hard they where to get and he probably wont be having anymore in a while. oh and how much are they worth. they where 5.99 each.

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Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
Cichlid-Man said:
Judging from my LFS prices, its pretty much the same as far as Mbuna go. 5-6.99. So at least for this area, its not like you got totally ripped off $ wise.

Those really are nice fish, not Afras (IMO) but still nice.

How big are they in the pics there?
they are 1 inch. i called the lfs and told them i didn't think they gave me afa cobues. and she said that she had been getting fish from her dealer or breeder for over 12 yrs and that what i order from her is what she told her dealer and that is what he sent her so that is what i got. i told her i will call her in a couple of weeks to let her know what she really gave me. when they start to color up more (if they are afras.) do you know where i can find pics of afra cobue fry, to compare them too.


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
okay i hate to say it but Cichlid-Man you are right they are cobalts. i am just so pissed :mad: and disapointed :( right now. i really don't like the cobalts at all. just bc they are so plain (just blue fish) i really wanted something different. now i have to stick with something i don't like bc i already spent to much money on them. i did call the lfs where i got them and told the owner to check back with her dealer bc these are not cobues and she swore up and down that they where. so i just asked nicely if she would mention it to her dealer that i strongly believe that they aren't (hoping that she would call be back saying there was a mix up of fish) but who knows, i am sure she doesn't want to here from me again. i just know who this happens. is it easy to pick these two species or am i working here with a bunch of retarded lfs owners?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007

Those are in NO WAY afras. They are Metriaclima callainos juveniles, and I'd be RIGHT pissed off at the store if I were you. If the idiots can tell a cobalt baby from a freaking afra, I certainly would not be doing business with them, ever. I'm not kidding, either...don't settle for something you don't want, when the store was supposed to get you something else. Its complete BS. Bag the fish up, march your butt in there, and DEMAND a refund on the fish, lol. I'm really serious, don't put up with that. You don't even want them, so take them back and don't take no for an answer.


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
see i have called her at least 3 times now to see if she would call her dealer to see if there was a mix up in fish. aparently she nows nothing about fish and she just calls her dealer who sends them too (mixed) and when people want special request she just asks the dealer. i didn't know this at the time untill i bought home the wrong fish. i should have done more research on what the babies of afras look like. i just trusted her that they are what i ordered and they would color up when they got bigger. so its my fualt and hers i just don't know if i have the patience to catch 16 1 inch cichlids.

i also put in a request for afra cobues at my usually lfs store. i had never done business with this lady. another wierd thing (don't know if i have mentioned it before) i caught her employees smoking inside of the store. plain as day. i just brushed that off!


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
I know catching them isn't fun, but I really really think you should take them back. After all this effort, why settle for something the store gave you which was completely NOT what you ordered, and you don't even really want or like? Plus, you overpaid for them, for what they are. I sell my cobalt babies at 1" or so, for about $2 or $3 a fish, not $6.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would calmly catch all of them, bring them in in a bag or tupperware container, along with a picture of what an afra looks like and demand your refund. If she knows nothing about fish, a well labeled picture printed out from an official site will really help your cause. Say you are sorry and that you also weren't sure what the juveniles should look like until you started doing some more research. Let us know how it turns out, I wouldn't make any more calls, unless you're calling to make sure she is in the store and its not some kid working the counter.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Hey fishchic,

sorry you got decieved by the manager of your lfs. Although, they're not the fish you wanted, I still think that your tank is nicely set up. And, the cobalts add to the awesomeness of the tank.

The only reason I would take them back, is the money. I hate getting ripped off.