My new Discus tank w/pics. What should I....

My 55 gallon corner tank. I had to take a picture at kind of an odd angle because of the flash and ambient light.

I grew impatient waiting for tumbled Amethyst and just went with rough stuff instead. Its been dry tumbled enough that it doesn't have really sharp edges, but I still worry a little about a clown loach or cory cat hurting their nose. I'm going to let this tank sit for a while with the guppies and three neons that are in it and then put some discus in. Right now the only decorations are a piece of ruby in zoisite rock and a large piece of African swahala root wood that I'm trying to get java moss to grow on. I got some plants that I thought were Java fern but after a little resaerch, I'm pretty sure they are something else. What kind of plants should I put in? Are there any other recomendations you have for the tank?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Hmmm...the amythest is cool, but it won't do much for rooted plants. SO, might I suggest floating plants such as riccia? You could do Java Fern or Anubias nana's on some driftwood as well. I would keep everything out of the substrate. Java or Christmas moss will work fine as well. Your discus will need a place to take shelter/refuge, so plan accordingly. Is that a normal flourescent fixture or a PC fixture?

I've got some frogbit floating in the tank right now and I'm trying to get my hands on some riccia. I think the discus will appreciate some shaded areas. Right now I've got a 20W 24" Aqua-Glo flouresent tube and two incandescent plant growth spectrum lights up top. If I got some amazon swordplants in pots could I leave them in the pots covered with the gravel? I've got some flourite but I don't want to mix it with the amethyst; could I put that in pots and then put them into the gravel?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
The amazon sword could be a problem. The root structures on this plant get amazingly huge, and having them all scrunched up in a pot might not be a good idea. However, you could use a really big clay pot (the biggest possible) and cover the thing with java moss. Put it in the middle, you'll see why when the leaves get to the top and droop over like a canopy. That might turn out to look really nifty. Fill the pot with Flourite and you're good to go. Oh, I noticed you mentioned "some swords," as in plural. One is all you need. It will fill your entire tank in good time.  Discus like to hide within the leaves.