My new Friend in the tank

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
Here are some pics of the fish i bought this weekend, i am done with fish now as they are addicting, i am boycotting stores till we move. These are nice fish though, eel was the reason i went to store, but the red fish were bonus buy at a dollar a piece i couldn't pass it up, needed to finish off the gift card anyways. They look nice with my green plants though. here are the pics:



Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
That Yoyo is adorable :p I like those Serpae Tetras too, I have 5, they're fun to watch (Lil' spaz fish). I don't know much about the eel, but that one looks pretty cool *thumbsups How big will he/she get?


Large Fish
Jan 14, 2007
Crandall, TX
Ok I love those eels. Have always been interested in them. Have never bought one because a friend told me that they are some times known to turn a community tank into a buffet. If that is not true someone say so and I will definately have one in my bigger tank I hope to have in the near future.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
i have heard they can turn it into buffet but so far mine seems to mix well with my fish, i think if he feels threatened it could become a problem but seems to have enough space to live well in there. The sign said max of 12 inches but online sources say 18 inches. He is going to be the biggest fish in my tank, in four months i get to upgrade to 55 gallon tank so all is good for him. Dont know if it is he or she still have to read up and figure out the sex, but i just couldn't pass it up, such nice color and size is good, most i see are small this one is nice and big so should survive most tank conditions i show him in time. here is link i use for eel research:

Spiny Eel's

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
after the move i am going to sell my 10 gallon i will then set up my 29 gallon as is to keep fish going, i will cycle the 55 gallon fishless, once everything is running well and cycled i will add the fish to the tank.

The tank is going to have landscape done to it with plexiglass to seperate bottom and have gravel, sand, gravel and will be planted on sides and open in middle.

Fish will be mainly loaches or bottom dwellers i have lots of loaches.

2 kuhli loaches
2 dojo loaches
1 horseface loach
2 yo yo loaches
1 striped peacock eel

then i will have schooling fish of some sort or gourmai's.

It will be a heavily planted tank with green on ouside and red plant inside, going from tall outside to short inside. One large piece of driftwood for decoratoins.

So i have the image in my head just need to get it setup and layed out when move is compelte.

fish stocking subject to change but will keep with the bottom dweller layout.

once the new tank is up and running, i will either sell 29 gallon or attempt salt water tank if i am courageous enough.


Large Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Looks like your plans are pretty straight forward, not bad*thumbsups . You should try saltwater, it's a pain in the rear at first, but once it's up and running smooth sailing....:D