My New Gourmai

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
Ok i bought two paradise blue gourmai at Petsmart this week. They are great fish and i love to watch them loaf about in the water while everything else zips bye they just nice and relaxed looking. Well one has a big red spot on his body at the top, I think it is ok just wanted to post this pic and see if it is just a normal mark thing or if it is something to worry about.


Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
it is just a coloration... no growth or hole or anything, just red spot on him.... no gills protruding, no ich or parasites noticed. But i have one more question..

This fish tends to sit on bottom of the tank staring outside but not moving the fins only breathing. When i see it i think he is dead, but when i walk up to tank, he starts swimming around again. Do gourmais like to sit still or is it a sickness? My camera doesn't work well up closer than what i got, i can get the pic bigger but wanted it to fit in the forums.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Have you noticed the other paradise fish bullying him? That would be my suspicion for why he's sulking in a corner...

Not sure about the dot, looks like coloration to me. Was it like that when you got him, or didn't you notice?

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
yea it was like that... the only one in tank with the red spot so i got him since he was different. No the other isn't bully him... he only sits there for a few minutes... right now he is swimming around tank like happy go lucky. him and the other gourmai... swim towards eachother and like kiss or something then go away.... their noses touch and they swim together and then part their ways... seems to be very friendly.