My New Pearls


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I just picked up a pair (I think anyway) of Pearl gourami. Right now they are still young, and I look forward to seeing them grow-up in the 38gal marsh tank I am building.

These are beautiful fish and from what I heard, peaceful and resilient compared to the dwarf species.

I have not named them yet, after a week or so I guess.

show us some pics! dont be mean and tell us the details but no picture :( hope you name them well! but then, you always name your fish well :) they can get nippy sometimes and sudden outbreaks of "over energy" may occur. its best to get a 1m 3 f cause the male is almost like a livebearer, target: sex. if you breed them, have fun! they can give just as much as bettas can!