My New Polyps


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Only if I find somethiong I want, I am starting to get pickey about what I get. I want to get some nice ones that people will want to trade me for. I figure on getting two or maybe three more then letting them get to the stage that I can frag and then start trying to trade some to get the rest of the ones I want. Thats the plan anyway. I just wish I didn't have as many fish, I read somewhere the zoas grow better if the water in the tank isnt quite as clean. With the amount of fish I have, I do a 20 to 25 gallon water change each week.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
thats pretty much what ive been doing lately! i realize the only money i have to spend on the tank has to come from fragging what i already have... i try to trade my stuff but what usually happens is i sell what i have than just buy what im really looking for but its always nice to bring new corals into the tank with zero out of the pocket! and it doesnt even have to be super rare or anything for some reason if it has a fancy name people will buy it lol but on the other hand ive had this nice 5 polyp frag of some blue zoos ive been trying to get rid of for like 2 months now but because im not calling them tubbs or anything nobody wants them!