My new Tank - ideas??


New Fish
Aug 24, 2009
Victoria in Australia
Im currently setting up a 120L tank, its 3foot long and just over a foot wide, i have some fish in coldwater - barbs and danios - how can i best acclimatise them to the heated water in the new tank?? and i also wanted mollies but i dont know what fish are best to create a community, i was looking at guppies, platies,mollies, some danios, a dwarf gourami as a centre piece??? and some bottom feeders, im still looking into the choices out there any ideas??

Cheers guys! any help is good help!!*SUNSMILE*


Large Fish
Dec 31, 2008
The eaisiest way to acclimate the fish is to put 2-3 fish per gallon bag and fill it half full of the walter they are coming from. Seal the bag and put it in the new tank. Every 10 or so mins, add some of the water they are going into. Do this 2-3 times, no more than 30 mins. Net the fish from the bag into the new tank. If you pour the water into the new tank, you run the risk of contamination if there was any bacteria/parasite in the old tank. Although this is less of an issue than if you were getting fish from a LFS. Hope this helps!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Lail covered acclimatisation perfectly there :)

I would personally avoid mollies in a freshwater, they do so much better in a brackish tank. I'd also avoid most livebearers unless you can reliably rehome the masses of babies produced. You can avoid this with guppies though, as buying just males works fine.

A dwarf gourami would work well as a centrepiece, but why not go a bit bigger and get something like a gold gourami/blue gourami/pearl gourami/moonlight gourami etc etc? You certainly have the space to.

I'd also personally look into small tetras/rasboras for a nice shoal though male guppies would work just as well, along with something like cory cats and a bristlenose pleco for the bottom. Really stocking is a personal thing and it depends what you want to see out of a tank.