I've finally purchased my 20 gallon long fishtank. It isn't up yet so I'm just doing some planning. It'll have to be cycled but luckily I'm using the same filter that's on my 10 gallon so the media will already have loads of bacteria in it. Anyway...
I can't figure out what type of biotope I want to do for this tank. I have one male betta in the 10 gallon who's moving over into the 20. There's also...
-Two albino cory cats who will be re-homed
-Blue apple snail(who's huge now) who will be placed in another one of my tanks because my 20 will be moderately planted and I don't want the snail tearing my plants up as he did in my 10 gallon.
-A handful of ghost shrimp. I think I've counted about 7? maybe 6? I'm concerned about them. I'm not sure what to do with them when I'm switching over tanks. I don't want them to die when I take them from one tank to another. I've had them since they were quite small and they've all grown significantly.
I have some driftwood that I've recently bought and am about to start soaking but it's small so it wont take up a huge portion of the tank. What other objects can I put in as far as...rocks or wood? I don't use ornaments because I like natural looking tanks, though there are natural looking ornaments they look too painted for me. I was thinking some sort of rocks so I can stack up but I can't find any except river stones. What about some sort of lava rock?
Also I have a HOB filter but are sponge filters any better or worst?
Thanks for any and all input/advice. I've been doing lots of research on planted aquariums and aquariums in general. This forum has really inspired me.
I can't figure out what type of biotope I want to do for this tank. I have one male betta in the 10 gallon who's moving over into the 20. There's also...
-Two albino cory cats who will be re-homed
-Blue apple snail(who's huge now) who will be placed in another one of my tanks because my 20 will be moderately planted and I don't want the snail tearing my plants up as he did in my 10 gallon.
-A handful of ghost shrimp. I think I've counted about 7? maybe 6? I'm concerned about them. I'm not sure what to do with them when I'm switching over tanks. I don't want them to die when I take them from one tank to another. I've had them since they were quite small and they've all grown significantly.
I have some driftwood that I've recently bought and am about to start soaking but it's small so it wont take up a huge portion of the tank. What other objects can I put in as far as...rocks or wood? I don't use ornaments because I like natural looking tanks, though there are natural looking ornaments they look too painted for me. I was thinking some sort of rocks so I can stack up but I can't find any except river stones. What about some sort of lava rock?
Also I have a HOB filter but are sponge filters any better or worst?
Thanks for any and all input/advice. I've been doing lots of research on planted aquariums and aquariums in general. This forum has really inspired me.