My newbie friend has some Q's..


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
hi, my friend has 2 guppies in a 5g. She has it all cycled and everything, water parameters are OK. There's a whitish fungusy thing growing in the gravel... She says it's squish and jelly, and looks like fish eggs, it looks somewhaat like mold, and its kinda spiky. I advised her to siphon it out, and we're waiting to see howw it turns out :)

Now, onto my friend's mother's goldfish........
A big, black moor that's acting 100% fine. But theres a bump under his dorsal fin, and my friend was feeling it and she says it feels like there's something in the bump. She thinks a pebble maybe? He didn't act like he was hurting. I was thinking a pararsite, but I am not sure. He's kept with other goldfish. Not sure of the parameters on this one.

She's kinda freaking out... lol, I'm helping as much as possible but you guy's opinions would be very welcome *thumbsup2


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
on the guppy tank thats rotted food that is growing something yucky, needs a real good gravel cleaning.

Your friend was petting the Black Moore? Ok so some folks pet the fancy gold fish I have heard that before.

They breed for deformities in the moor and fantail that being said I would guess genetic unless the fish started to act funny I wouldn't overreact.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
The goldfish isn't in a tank thats too small, is it? If it is it could be a deformity from stunted growth. And I agree with nanu, the white stuff sounds like decomposing food. Does the white stuff smell bad at all? Advise your friend to cut down on the food a bit. Good luck!


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Yes, she used to overfeed, so that makes sense. I've told her all the dangers, but I guess she didn't listen. Hopefully she will now! No wonder i've never seen the white stuff in my tank lol, because I don't overfeed! Ha!

The goldfish, is, yes, in a relatively small tank. Not quite sure how big, I'm guessing 10-15g. Theres a few other goldies (her mom won't listen to me and she says she dosen't give a **** how much I know about fish lol) But I doubt that it's a deformity because 1.) the goldfish used to live in a really big tank, but they had to move to a smaller tank. He's fully grown. & 2.) the bump turned up overnight. My friend wasn't really petting the fish, but just feeling the bump to see what it is..

Thanks all!


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
ummm they are deformed fish we breed them to be deformed this means that the chance of toumers or other odd issues is higher

there is also no way it is "full grown" because the get humongous like softball sized so who the heck knows whats wrong with him

honestly if she is convinced that she should cram masses of fish (gold fish to boot) in a small tank they will all end up dead eventually

if she is worried she should take them back to the petstore and get something suited to her tank

im guessing that she isn't worried enough to do that so eh anything that happens now just speeds up or delays the inevitable


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
listen nanu, my friend does **not** think it's OK to keep them in small living quarters. I've educated her, but her mother, who owns the goldfish, is very stubborn and I can hardly talk to her without being told otherwise.
Yes, it is a softball-sized goldfish. The moor is quite big, but most of the others are relatively small. Like I said, they used to be in a much bigger tank but they had to downsize. The goldfish are ranging in age from 5-10 years.

My friend says the lump has gotten harder?


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I saw the goldfish today. The bump looks really odd? it was about the size of a ponybead, and it looked like there was a nipped spot. She's been medicating the water with salt so hopefully that will help whatever it is.

I've reccomended a bigger tank numerous times but they have no money to spare for a 55 gallon tank. There's been a lot of deaths in their family, mother had to pause job to care for her father.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
the only kind thing is to take the fish to the lfs and trade them for something suitable

that's like saying i have a dog and i love it but im too poor to feed it so its starving but i love it too much to give it away.... ummm if you loved your dog you would find it a suitable home... ya know?