my newist tank

Oct 14, 2003
Southern Oregon
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well i got my 50 gal. long tank. im so happy with it, i got the sand and my first live rock just a 1 1/2 lbs. its small but a start, i got 2 t-5 lights 1 attict and 1 daylight. only a reg. filter and the heater of course, so its cycling my lfs told me to put 4 frozen brine shrimp cubes in the sand to help the tank cycle. so thats doing that, then on pay day the 5th i can get more live rock,and a protine skimmer and maybe ill be ready for a couple fish. ill keep everyone posted. any advise please hit me back. :D

Oct 14, 2003
Southern Oregon
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i have no idea what kind of fish i want, i dont want to be commerical but i do like the clowns, blue regal tangs, yellow tangs, bicolor psudioucroumis, boston bean, maybe upsidedown jellyfish, i dont want anything to hard to take care of yet. any ideas of cool fish?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
you need to check your water chemistry with test kits to know when it is done...two weeks does not seem long enough to me...also, it would be best to get all, or as close to all, the LR you will be using in the tank because the die off from adding additional pieces will cause another cycle

Oct 14, 2003
Southern Oregon
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thanks for the input, i will get more LR on the 5th then maybe another t-5 light, then on the 20th i should be ready for some fish. will see. its a slow process when you dont have much $$. when should i start testing the water, now? i was gonna waite a couple weeks to test it. maybe ill test it this weekend just for the heel of it. im still not sure what kind of fish, i just want nice fish, real peaceful, but i do like the lion fish, but i dont want it eating my reef fish or disturbing the corl (when i get it). talk to you all later, and to camaro i used to live is west covina, is that close to you?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
West Covina is probably 30 miles from me...I am going to school at UCLA and currently live in Palms/Mar Vista area...any good LFS' in West Covina area I should check out?

Interestingly enough, I am moving to Oregon in about 6 months...where abouts are you? I will be in either Ashland or Monmouth