My oscar in fish pond

Jul 11, 2003
Maui, Hawaii
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New to this group, just wanted to tell you about my Oscar. He is about 10 inch. long and really fat, I had him in a 100 gal tank on my deck, it gets hot here and its not fully in the shade, I had him about 3 years now and he was stating to go after the Angle fish that has been his tank mate for 3 years, so we bought a fish pond that is also on my deck and he is doing so good, he did good in the tank too. We feed him raw tuna and pelets and some flakes, and he loves his new home, should I get him a friend? Will he eat the pond plants and will it make him sick if he does? Thanks alot guys. Annie..Makawao, Maui

Jan 19, 2003
Stavanger, Norway
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I'd give the tuna a miss except as a treat. He may or may not like a friend,though unless it's a heck of a big pond it's probably best not to put another oscar in - how big is the pond.
He may or may not eat the pond plants, though he'll probably trash them moving stuf around.
Sounds like a nice fish, in a good home