I tested my pH and it is way less than 6.0. I'm not sure why. The only reason I could think why is because I added a new micron filter to my marineland 350, replacing the sponge filter that was there. Do you think that could be it?
Sure did. When I set up a new batch for CO2, I forgot to loosen the lid that night... and in the morning the pH was about .6 lower than the night before.
When I see the timer turn the lights off, that's my cue to open the cap on the CO2!
It wouldn't be the water because I didn't add any water. Besides the water here has a good base pH level. I did change my filter last night. That is the only thing I can think of. You?
I would put some water in a bucket and then test the pH after 24 hours.
Do you have driftwood/mopani wood in the tank? If you do and the KH of the water is low (yes, you can test for that as well...it's a good thing to know), the wood could have caused the pH to drop.
Rotting leaves can lower the ph, also do you know if your water is hard or soft? Soft water will go acidic easier.
I have a problem with my tanks going acidic, because my water is so soft. I usually add baking soda to buffer it.
How often do you do water changes?
The pH is slowly going up now. It was like 5 something last night now it is above 6. So, I think I am ok. I think tomorrow I will just break down and buy a huge test kit. See my LFS are stupid, they are the reason I am having problems. They told me I didn't need to test for nitrates and nitrites. So, I was only told to test for ammonia and pH. I will go get it tomorrow.
I don't even ask them for advice any more. I'll just ask you guys. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! *celebratesmiley* :-*