My poor angel

Ok this is the 3rd time i have seen my female angel lay eggs, and i can see and tell that she is sad, lonely, and depressed cause none of her eggs have hatched. As some of you know i am moving in less than a month, and some of you have read my plans with the tanks, but now i am going to change them. In the 75G i am going to turn that into an angel tank only so then she will be able to have babys and then keep 1 pair of swordtails in the 10G and keep the fish in the 55G tank in there and leave the jewels in the 29G tank that they are in now. And hopefully my 2 juvenille angels will be adults by then and i can see if i have a male and breed him and my adult female. So my only Q is how many angels can i keep in the 75G??? I can't stand seeing my angel like this:(:(:(:(:(:(