My reef, is now a reef.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
It was missing one key inhabitant before, now its complete. I bought a fish today to add some color and activity. I was debating at first, i like low bioloads but then i thought, 1 fish won't be to much and would expand my experience in the SW side.

Today i bought a nice Royal Gramma the LFS had. It was marked $40, i get 10% discount with the local club so i said whatever and got them to bag it up. Up at the counter the guy was like, "I'm giving this to you for $20, because $40 for a Royal Gramma is NUTS." I was like yesssss. So i feel even better about the purchase now.

Any ideas of how to make a tank cover without sacrificing light? I was thinking something like Bridal veil....any better ones?

Here is a pic of him right as i came home, still in the bag. He is aclimating right now so once he goes in the tank tonight or something i'll get more pics. Looks like he has a slight sunken belly in this pic but i assure you he is fat and happy.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
They can be very shy. For a cover use egg crate light diffuser, it doesn't inhibit light or air exchange but offers some protection for jumping fish.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
with a 250w over a 30g i dont think u gotta worry keeping the light from spreadinmg ;) besieds once u build a canopy for the new tank youll have no worries ;)
btw nice addition!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
cute about a fts?
what size tank are you ultimately going with?
At this point i have NO idea. I'm so lost as to what i want, what i can afford, and what i can fit where i want it. Its all confusing. I have a stand that can support a tank up to 53" long and 18" wide. I can mod it to fit a 20" wide tank as well. Problem is, how big do i want to go and how big can i really fund.

At this point i'm thinking about setting up a 30gal with a 10-30gal sump and being done with it. I can for sure fund a tank of that size and it keeps it on a small managable scale.

So to answer your question. I don't know yet. Still working on it, its actually stressful figuring all of this out.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Something in the 30-40 gallon range would be cool. I think it's better to go with a size you know you can afford, and keep the money for other stuff (or save for a bigger tank). If you stretch your budget on a large tank, then find you need something expensive for it in an emergency, it would probably be pretty miserable.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Something in the 30-40 gallon range would be cool. I think it's better to go with a size you know you can afford, and keep the money for other stuff (or save for a bigger tank). If you stretch your budget on a large tank, then find you need something expensive for it in an emergency, it would probably be pretty miserable.
Thats what i was thinking. I already have a nice 30gal tank, but i was looking at something like a 40 breeder size. Still not sure but i want to say 30-40gal range. I'll probably sell this skimmer i have now and get one more suited for the tank size.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
So the other day i noticed some pods trampling my zoa frags fighting on them and stuff making them close up and become agitated. My solution? A small wrasse. Always wanted one so i went out looking for a small sixline today. Ended up coming home with a beautiful 4line. He is the last fish or invert that i am adding, so he should be good to go.

He is pretty curious and awesome already picking at the rocks. My other hope for him is to lure my Royal Gramma out a little more. Maybe having another fish in the tank will help. Also got a few Peppermint shrimp to help with aptasia hopefully, cheapos from the LFS. Not to worried about them becoming food, though they are a little bigger then the wrasse.

My cleaner shrimp seems agitated at the new additions lol he is very pissed today and is staying away from everyone.

Bad pic but you get the idea.