my tank is going crazy! ~green~

Aug 15, 2011
we have had a 40 gal tank for over a year now and at any given time have anywhere from 15-18 fish our filter seems to work great and we have always had a beautiful crystal clear tank but lately it seems very merkey... the PH is a bit high but we were told that it was normal and to try to fix it would cause more stress to the fish.... what are other causes for the nasty water... we are on the third day of cycling in new water and its just not doing much better.... what should I do?

Feb 27, 2009
but lately it seems very merkey... the PH is a bit high but we were told that it was normal and to try to fix it would cause more stress to the fish
A bacteria bloom can cause the water to be cloudy. Is it green water, as your title suggests? If its an algae bloom, you have an inbalance in light, carbon, and other nutrients in the tank. Do you keep live plants? It would be helpful to post a picture of the tank and the test results of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Also, what pH do you have that is 'a bit high'?