my tank temperature

Oct 22, 2002
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
hi all,
   i have newly set up a (70L) marine tank .
which is too small i think. ??? i have set it up
4 abt a week. which i have not add in any fish.
i have a question to 32 degree too
warm for marine fishes? pls help ...

this is the tank in my room


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'm assuming you mean 32oC here since you gave your tank size in metric. Sorry, just a heads up, but some 'merkins on this board might not know the conversion factors (which is why I've a handy-dandy calculator that does it for me)..

32oC=89.6oF, which is way too warm for any fishies!!! You rank should range anywhere between 24.4oC (76oF) to 26.7oC (80oF).  Try to keep it stable as much as possible, although a 2o temp flucuation within a 24hr period shouldn't be too stressful on the fish.

70L (18.5 gallons) would be considered way too small a marine tank for a beginner definatly, but they have been done before.  You'll probably only get about perhaps one pair of a fish (clowns are good to keep in pairs in a tank that size) or one larger showcase fish (such as a trigger, tang, angel, grouper etc), or maybe only a quad of damsels.  If you're looking to do a marine community type set up, you would certainly need a much larger tank.


Oct 22, 2002
hi colesea,
thank you for the reply *celebratesmiley*
i've bought a pair of common clown fish and one damsel fish (Blue & yellow) in the afternoon for SGH$5 which is about US$3.and i've also put a PC fan on top of the tank to cool the water. now my tank is 30oC.
Here in my country (singapore) we use oC degree to read temperture.sorry for the miss understanding.
i've also ask my fish shop dealer about chiller and they told me it about US$1000 .wow wow... so XXXXX *laughingcryingsmiley*
Now i'll see how my tank goes on....will keep all of you out there inform......peace *thumbsup2*