My Tank

I have a 70 gallon cichlid tank and I am a newbie its been 7 months now. Anyways I have alot of current in the tank I have my filter pointing to the side and it creates current and also a power head thats pointed the same ways there both pointed towards the filter intake. You guys think thats to much current? Also I put my gouramis in with the cichlids and they all get along but my severum is really beating up on my tiger oscar which is starting to outgrow the severum. Anyways any help would be great.


Medium Fish
Aug 2, 2006
I am not sure what your question is but with the fish you have it is a 50 50 proposition it could work out or you could have some beat up fish. As far as a cuurent it isnt something you have to have. depending on the size of you gouramis I would imagine they wont do well with the other fish. again its a crap shoot


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Hmmm have several fish that get really huge. To live comfortably, they'll have to eventually be split up. In my opinion, you'd have to choose between the severum, dempsy, or tiger oscar as your centerpiece fish. Then build the tanks occupants on whatever will get along with it. You may have to move the gouramis to the 10gal depending on how large they are.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I would put the gouramis in the 20 with the cory. Move the neons to the 10 gallon if they don't get along with the gouramis, otherwise they could probably stay in the 20. Then you could POSSIBLY have room for 2 of those larger fish, providing that they get along well and have plenty of swimming room and places to hide. The 1 inch rule doesn't apply to those big guys. I would not put a severum in a 20, it would be miserable.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The inch per gallon breaks down because 1. try squeezing a 10 inch oscar into a 10 gallon tank, and then tell me that's humane, 2. fish also grow in width and height as well as lengh so a 10 inch oscar probably weighs about the same as 2 or 3 hundreds even though it's only 10 times the lengh, and poops/urinates about 200 times as much. Commercial fisheries don't used inches per gallon, they use weight per gallon.

The summary of your situation is big fish, little tank.