My Tanks first death, RIP


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My Urchin died yesterday, I called my LFS man to make sure he wasn't just molting, lol, Thats funny if you have been reading my post on my molting shrimp getting caught in my power head, anyway, he told me that he was in fact, dead. I have to thoughts as to why he died, and their both most likely wrong. I am guessing that they eat algae, and I have very little algae, if any in my tank, the cleaning crew does a good job and I do my 15 to 20g water changes every week. The second reason, I have two vegi clips in my tank, in the morning I put Romain lettuce on one clip and the other I put R. lettuce and a piece of seaweed in front of it on the same clip. The Urchin was eating alot of the lettuce I am sure, and that may not have sit well with him. I take the lettuce out when I get home from work and switch to the seaweed, I use the lettuce so the fish will have something to munch on all day, the seaweed will fall apart in an hour or two. What do ya'll think, any thoughts ?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
hmmm probably was not enough algae, what kind of urchin was it? I personally took my green urchin out and placed it in my sump as it was knocking stuff over and not really doing much of anything else....he's been happy in there for 2 years or so......I would not get another one until my tank was established with plenty of food for it to eat....


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I don't know what type he was, he had a bunch of differant colors on him. My LFS got three or four in about a month ago, he told me that one other person that got one had it die also. My Midas Blenny came in yesterday and I will go pick it up Tuesday, I haven't seen it yet, I can't wait. The only thing I have left to get is my two clown fish, but those are several weeks away. I kinda want to get my Rose Anemone back up front of the tank. The LFS man told me to cut back alittle on feeding him to see if he will move on his own, I kinda douth he will, seems to like it where he is at.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
You will have to be content with the anemone staying where it is most comfortable. Most will find their own space and to try to get it to move will only stress it out further.