My Tetra got Fin Nipped


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
Hey everybody. It's been a really long time since I last posted on here. Which I think is a pretty good thing because it means that my tank has more or less been in good shape. The reason I'm posting today is because I noticed that one of my Tetras got nipped really badly.

I went back to school in August and haven't been back home since. Due to logistical issues I had to leave my 10G at home in my little brothers care. I came home today and noticed that one of my Black Skirts was almost completely missing his tail fin. It seems okay for the moment, it occasionally sinks to the bottom though. I'm assuming it's doing this to rest, I can't imagine it's easy to swim around without a tail fin. I was just wondering what I should do to help. I don't really have a quarantine tank or anything to put him in that could be filtered. Is there anything I can do to help my poor Tetra? Or do I just hope for the best?


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
If the cut on the fin is sharp and not frayed it's more likely just a nip. If it's frayed and fuzzy on the end it's more likely fin rot.

Of course, fin nips can start fin rot as it allows infection to get in. That's basically all it is. Fin rot is a bacterial infection.

Do a good water change. Make sure the parameters are good. Ensure their diet is good. Dose appropriately with your favorite flavor of fin rot meds. I have Melafix on hand. It's basically natural tea tree extract.

To boost the immune system add some garlic juice.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
If the cut on the fin is sharp and not frayed it's more likely just a nip. If it's frayed and fuzzy on the end it's more likely fin rot.

Of course, fin nips can start fin rot as it allows infection to get in. That's basically all it is. Fin rot is a bacterial infection.

Do a good water change. Make sure the parameters are good. Ensure their diet is good. Dose appropriately with your favorite flavor of fin rot meds. I have Melafix on hand. It's basically natural tea tree extract.

To boost the immune system add some garlic juice.
Upon closer inspection I do believe it was fin rot. I also noticed the fraying on some of my other tetras as well. I went to the LFS and bought some Melafix and added the teaspoon. Unfortunately, I don't think the tetra with the bad tail fin is going to make it. It was stuck to my filter intake when I got back :( I'm glad I caught it early in my other fish.

Apr 14, 2008
Believe it or not, black skirt tetras can be very aggressive, like Tiger Barbs. Luckily, they mainly keep the aggression between their own school and they seem to be pretty peaceful with most fish, excluding longfinned fish.

Sorry to thread jack, but you can see how my 2[I had 7 at some point] have been ripping each other apart:

They are like 3[maybe 4] years old now and definitely my last ones.

I hope the others get better for you!


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
Believe it or not, black skirt tetras can be very aggressive, like Tiger Barbs. Luckily, they mainly keep the aggression between their own school and they seem to be pretty peaceful with most fish, excluding longfinned fish.

Sorry to thread jack, but you can see how my 2[I had 7 at some point] have been ripping each other apart:

They are like 3[maybe 4] years old now and definitely my last ones.

I hope the others get better for you!
That's what mine kinda look like too! Though not as bad. Glad to see I'm not the only one with this issue.