My Water Is Foggy (Awwwwww Poopy!!)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My water has all of a sudden fogged up. What could be the problem? I have been doing lots of water changes because of ich. I got rid of the ich about 2 weeks ago. I have kept the filter media real clean. What could it be?

Oct 22, 2002
Dear foggy,
You said you were doing lots of water changes, did that include vaccuuming the gravel too? Might want to consider that. There area allot of suppliments out there that help fish recover from ich. It's not a cure , but a preventive. And if it's already been in the tank you might consider it to help it from reaccuring. Good Luck *thumbsup2*


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Did your medication specify whether or not to pull the filter media? Some meds (even those for ich) will kill bacteria (beneficial and not).

Just a thought!


Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would test as backdraft suggested, and if that bio-wheel is seeded(like LUV said) , and you didn't clean it, you can clean your canister all you want.

Andy also has a good point, what med did you use?

Use carbon to suck up meds, take it out a few days later.

Man this board is getting a lot of peeps who know their stuff...most excellent  *thumbsup2*

Oct 22, 2002
If you didnt use any meds,,i would be very careful of a reaccurance of ich.  So many water changes could have caused the foggyness, as you were removing the ich you were also removing good bacteria that help keep the aquarium clear.  So much cleaning and water changes could have given you whats called,"new tank syndrom". If that is what it is than the tank should clear itself as  soon as the good bateria build themselves back up. this may take a week or so. In the mean time i would watch out for the ich...ich has different stages in its life would only eliminate the free swimming ich  ..all it would take is for one spot that was still on a fish to hatch and spread all over again.  If you dont like to use could use table salt. I have successfully used it to treat ich.  I will have to get back with you on the amount......i cant remeber if it was 1 tsp for every five gallons or five tsp for every 1 gallon.  Salt is good to treat many things....especailly if you are in doubt of what you are treating. I will get back to you with the amount to add as soon as possible.

Oct 22, 2002
In my experience, it's a complete waste of time to medicate for ich. All you have to do is crank up the heat. Once I was lucky enough to get ich in two 10 gallons that I have in the same stand (odd ... never thought I'd say it was lucky). Anyway, the untimely outbreak in two *very* similar aquariums afforded me the opportunity to conduct a test. Both aquariums had the exact same water stats, and were even stocked with similar tetras (pristella in one, red phantom in the other.)

In one aquarium I simply cranked up the temp to 88 degrees. In the other aquarium I used medication (can't remember the brand). Both aquariums cleared up with only 1 fish lost each. However, the medicated one took about 3 extra days, plus water changes, plus discoloration from the medicaton.

If you have an outbreak of ich, I highly recommend simply using heat to correct the situation.

Oct 22, 2002
its one tbsp for five gallon.........which i see you did(i should have read more last time)  Someone replyed about using heat......i beleive that heat only speeds up the life cycle of the ick...getting it to the free swimming stage faster ,the only stage at which it can be killed(with salt or meds)  I dont think heat alone kills the if you did use salt and water changes than i take back what i said about watching out for a reacurrance.  But still stand that so many water changes caused foggyness and you propally just need to wait for benifical bacteria to restablish itself.

Oct 22, 2002
I would go to your local pet shop and ask. Everyone here has there own remidies , Which may or may not work. I think you are putting more stress on your fish than needed, by not using chemicals, but again "That's just my opinion." Good Luck