We were in the LFS a couple weeks ago and Leah my wife was browsing through the freshwater section. She called me over and said there was a fish she really liked and wondered if we could get one for my 55 gallon.
The fish were a bunch of 2 inch tiger oscars. She loved them, amazingly enough.
She could care less about discus. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought she would have been into big, aggressive CA cichlids.
Then I showed her some green terrors. She liked them, but she still prefered oscars.
Gives me the excuse to start another big freshwater tank when we buy a house.
The fish were a bunch of 2 inch tiger oscars. She loved them, amazingly enough.
She could care less about discus. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought she would have been into big, aggressive CA cichlids.
Then I showed her some green terrors. She liked them, but she still prefered oscars.
Gives me the excuse to start another big freshwater tank when we buy a house.