Mysterious sickness still collecting fish souls


Medium Fish
Dec 16, 2007
Watertown, NY
ok here is the questions: I have a test tube type test kit and its reading 0ppm for amonia and nitrites but the active monitor is reading 0.02 so I did a 75% water change its still reading 0.02 (it might need to be replaced its coming up on that date of change out for its test capsules) but is .02 even lethal? secondly I have been having a problem with fish in my 30 gallon tank theyre either dropping like flies or getting sick this all happened after I introduced 5 new neons to the tank so just started treating the whole tank instead of putting 30 gallons worth of fish into a 5g qt. the amonia and nitrate levels keep testing at 0 and cant figure exactly whats causing the sickness, I assume its somethng that the neons brought to the tank.........its weird for me because the adult fish are the ones getting sick the fry (seperated but in the same tank) that were recently born are in steller condition and thriving. what should I do?


Medium Fish
Dec 16, 2007
Watertown, NY
yup the one time i dont qt the new guys (still kicking my self) the only symptoms i have seen is one of the fish had baterial hemoragic septicimia at least thats what i was told it was.......other than the one fish with that on his side the rest appear fine till they drop other than meloncholy behavior.......yeah on the other question i am going out to get a new capsules for the live monitor i think they are just spent the dropper test kit still reads at zero


Medium Fish
Dec 16, 2007
Watertown, NY
ok update: some of the fish I thought were going to be dead are starting to bounce back so the casualty rate isnt going to be as high as expected...thank god but it took a miriad of medicines and TLC...and I do say to all those out there don't give up they will survive even when theyre just floating hap hazardly.....on a brighter note one of the fish had her fry and now I have a happy group of red fin fry (2nd batch in a week and a half so I am gonna have to get a new tank ;) when they get a little bigger than the seperater in the 30 gallon