So, unfortunately my first post is because I've lost one julii cory and seems I'm about to lose another. The tank is about 6 weeks old, has been cycled and there aren't any issues with ph,ammonia, etc.- all tests proved fine. We thought we had two cory's with fin/tail rot because of some white spotting in those areas. Treated with tetracycline (what a mess) and then lost a cory. Since finishing the meds, we've changed the carbon done a water change and still have a sick cory. He's (?) been sick for about 2 wks now- no white growth anywhere, just VERY sedate fins clamped and very pale. There seems to be reddening in the cheeks(?!) and gills and he's not eating at all. No one else seems to be ill(neither of the other two surviving julii corys). What to do?