Mystery deaths


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
I've lost 2 female guppies and i don't wanna loose any more,all together i have four left,and 7 one female platy was showing signs of stress but it seems she's ok now, it's been a week since she was stressed and i had to place her on the other side of the divider in my 30 gal tank so her sisters and my big male platy wouldn't pick on her so much.I'm worried about loosing more my of fish to mystery causes.

My tank is stable and has been since the second week i had it set up,it's been up for 3 and a half months and is fully cycled from gravel,filter media and decorations from my ten gal that they use to reside in.

i'd like to have some advice on the matter.Also i know that my male guppies out number my females i've now moved all my female guppies onto the other side of the divider in my tank to keep them in good heath. i finally had the time to count how many males and females i have it seems some of them went through a gender shift or something o_O'.

i'm also would it be ok to put a few more females in to number it out with the males or should i just leave it how it is with the females on one side of the divider and the males on the other?

is their an illness in my tank or is it just stress?