Mystery Fish


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Right under your boat...
Hi everyone I just joined this forum and it seems like a pretty knowledgeable place which is good because I have a fish I need identified. :)

I decided to try my hand at cichlids for the first time and I needed two that would get along decently with my three figure 8's. I was advised by the staff that firemouth's would fit the bill so I bought two. When I got home and had a good look at them the one looks like a grade A typical firemouth but the other one doesn't look at all like one.

It is about 4" with five light gray stripes running down the body the first starting around the gills. It also has four black spots down its side like a gourami. I tried to take a picture but the little bugger is keeping to the shadows and won't come out. I did get about a half dozen pictures of my figure 8's though they just love the attention. :rolleyes:

They are both healthy and my puffers get along with them but I just want to make sure that I won't be in for any surprises down the road if this fish isn't a mellow firemouth. I don't want to get rid of the cichilds they are gorgeous fish and I am starting to see the attraction to them.


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Right under your boat...
Thank's for the welcome.

I looked around for a picture and it doesn't look like a Texas. Is it possible for a firemouth to not have the colouring of a firemouth? The other one has a nice orangish/peachy colour to it and is very active digging up my plants and nibbling the gravel. The mystery fish is keeping to bottom of the tank and hiding in the cave. I don't mind him using the cave since I made it myself it's like a compliment of sorts but I would like to know for sure what the fish is.

I'll keep trying for a picture but the best I got was his tail as he turned back into the cave.


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Right under your boat...
I tried again for a picture but I had to pull some of the cover out and my mystery fish went absolutely ballistic! The best I got this time was a small black streak. I'm going to just assume that I have a firemouth without the colour. Maybe it just isn't quite so healthy yet? Other than the dark colouring it seems fine but I'll see what a better quality diet than pet store flakes does for him. I have the camera beside the tank and when I can get a picture I'll resurrect this thread and see what the pros think.

I do like the way he keeps my puffers in line. They haven't had to fight another fish for a meal in a long time it looks good on them.


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Right under your boat...
Bingo! Male convict fits the bill nicely. I wasn't aware of colour differences between the sexes but a quick bit of picture research paid off.

The convict keeps to himself except during feeding and the puffers stay away from the caves and rocks anyway. I haven't had too many problems with my puffers except where alage eaters are concerned anything that holds still for more than a few minutes becomes a target for a nip or two.


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2004
Right under your boat...
I know you mentioned convict first but naturally all the websites featured the much slicker looking female. I had to do a specific search for a male to be able to do a comparison.

Oh and thanks for all the help and suggestions.