Mystery Gold Snail


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
Hope everyone is doing fine.

As some of you guys know the other day i got two Zebra Snails, one of the shells was completely empty after a week it never moved. so i took it out and the other snail started moving after a few hours of putting them in the tank. so i went back to the pet store and i got a Mystery snail and im loving this little guy/girl.

At first i was a bit ehhhh about getting a Snail i thought they were just going to be really boring and slow lol well my Mystery snail is pretty cool, always moving everywhere eating everything it finds and its very interesting to watch.

i thought i would share my little experience with my snail in case anybody is thinking on getting one!

Idk the sex but i named it Gary.

on the other hand, the Zebra Snail barely eats or moves i always find her upside down, i dont know whats wrong with that one lol (i guess that one is the boring type lol)



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
if by zebra snail you mean zebra nerite then yes those are the much slower snail. better algae cleaners but they can mess up your tank and decor by laying white eggs everywhere that are hard to remove.

I used to have both species of snails that you describe. I liked them both, though the mystery snails produce a lot of waste. "the goldfish of the FW invertebrates" lol.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Cool! Mystery snails are pretty entertaining. They're fast for a snail and like to drift free and glide across the tank at times.. Wheeee!!!! PLOP...

My big'ol gold mystery snail started laying eggs out of the blue under the lighted hood on my 20 long and I've got a good dozen or so babies. All of the black and other color mystery snails I've had over the past 8-9mo have all died. One was really big, almost golf-ball sized. I've read that they typically live 1-2yrs, but can live to 3.

They love zucchini, green beans, sinking food wafers, etc.. Certain fish seem to pick on them more (bettas, some gourami, etc), which is why I may have not had the best luck with them.


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
My female betta hated the snail lol she is crazy, i swear! She has already killed 3 neon tetras. Almost killed a snail and went after my 6 pigmy cories. I had to get her a tank just for her -_- she thinks shes a male betta lol super agressive.


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
And yeah NewMan is a Nerite snail. She hast been moving since yesterday and its just upside down. I took her out to smell her and she doesnt smell like anything so i guess shes still alive


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
My female betta hated the snail lol she is crazy, i swear! She has already killed 3 neon tetras. Almost killed a snail and went after my 6 pigmy cories. I had to get her a tank just for her -_- she thinks shes a male betta lol super agressive.

What size tank do you have the female betta in? The 4 I have in my community 55g do shove each other around at times, but I've never seen them pick on the other fish in the tank. The nastiest little bugger I have in there is a male dwarf flame gourami. Handsome guy, but whadda jerk LOL! He'll even shove "Pearl" around at times (female pearl gourami about 3x his size). He won't bump the angel fish though.. Luckily, none of the scuffles in my tank result in fin damage, etc. There's enough room to get away, which is the main thing.


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
i see hehe, cool man! i really wish i can have a bigger tank but my mother wont let me get a bigger one. The bad thing about being 25 and living with your mother lol u still have to obey!

And honestly im not sure the exact size, my friend had her and was going to get rid of her and took her. She is in one of those little desk tank. Probably like 2g.

I wanted to leave her in my 15g tank but yeah she is psycho so i had to put her back in the little tank


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
i have a video of her jumping out of the tank to catch food from my hand lol i wish i can post it so you guys can see it but idk if we can post videos here