Mystery Gourami condition..

Aug 26, 2006
Hope someone can shed some light on this for me..
I've recently moved house, leaving the tank containing my Gourami with my parents for the time being. I just came back to visit, and noticed something strange, the Gourami seems to have very small holes on it's head, one of which containing a white "spot". Thing is, the white "spot" was in a different hole the day I arrived, so it seems to have moved.

I've been checking all over the internet looking up diseases and parasites to try and clear this up, the closest thing I have found would be "Hole in the head" disease but I am not entirely convinced that it fits the description..

Other than this, the Gourami is acting fine, eating, inquisitive when anyone enters the room etc.. I'd just like to be able to figure this out before I leave so I can give my parents the correct course of treatment to administer while I am gone!